1耐水性:密闭泡孔结构,不吸水,防潮,耐水性能良好。 1 water resistance: closed bubble structure, no water absorption, moisture resistance, good water resistance. 2耐腐性:耐海水、油脂、酸、碱等化学品腐蚀,抗菌、无毒、无味、无污染。 2 corrosion resistance: corrosion resistant to seawater, grease, acid, alkali and other chemicals, antibacterial, non-toxic, tasteless, and pollution-free. 3防震动:回弹性和抗张力高,韧性强,具有良好的防震/缓冲性能。 3 anti vibration: resilience and high tensile strength, toughness, good shockproof / cushioning performance. 4保温性:隔热,保温防寒及低温性能优异,可耐严寒和曝晒。 4 thermal insulation: heat insulation, heat preservation and cold resistance, excellent cold resistance and exposure to cold. 5回弹性:伸长率和回弹均会比其他材料的性能好 5 resilience: elongation and springback will be better than other materials. 耐水性: 密闭泡孔结构、不吸水、防潮、耐水性能良好。 耐腐蚀性:耐海水、油脂、 酸、碱等化学品腐蚀,抗菌、无毒、无味、无污染。 加工性: 无接头,且易于进行热压、剪裁、涂胶、贴合等加工。 防震动: 回弹性和抗张力高,韧性高,具有良好的防震 / 缓冲性能。 保温性: 隔热,保温防寒及低温性能优异,可耐严寒和曝晒。 隔音性: 密闭泡孔,隔音效果好。